Sunday, October 9, 2016

End of the Week

After experiencing a long week of running around, appointments, substitute teaching, and meetings I was sitting talking with my Abby as we watched the sunset. Abby calls this cotton candy sky. Can you see the fluffy clouds, and the beauty God gives us at the end of each day? Can you see that when we need just a little reassurance, or a reminder that he is near, that the angels surround us, and that he loves us? Can you feel the peace, and the warmth left behind from the sun? Often times just when I feel like I just need a break the weekend comes, or something I see gives me that calming peaceful feeling. I love so much when the weekend comes. It is a time to renew ourselves, to spend time with our kids, and to rest (even if it is only for a minute.) It is definitely hard being a single parent, but I am learning just how important that I am. I need to be able to do everything. I need to still be the mom, but also the dad. I still need to be the nurse, the teacher, the doctor, the friend, the counselor, the chef, the housekeeper, the listener, the chauffeur, the accountant, and more. It is tiring, but I would never give it up. My 4 kids are my life, and I want to be able to give them everything I possibly can. Let them run and play, laugh and cry, study and read, breathe and enjoy life. Remember you are the best that you can be.  Believe in yourself, and know that God loves you no matter what your experience is. Whether you are struggling or all is at peace, he is there and he knows you. Your struggles, your fears, your questions, your doubts. BELIEVE, LIVE, LOVE, PRAY, SHOW GRATITUDE, AND BELIEVE IN ALL THINGS.

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