Monday, September 26, 2016

It is finally FALL/AUTUMN here in Utah. The temperatures are dropping, the rain is arriving, the leaves are turning colors, and football season is here. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. It is a time of year for so many inspiring things. General Conference for the LDS church comes in October. A time for all of us to renew and find ourselves. A time to be inspired by leaders in a time where we often feel like the world is falling apart. We seek guidance and inspiration. We seek strength and answers to prayers, This fall is different for me. I am about to make a very life alternating decision, and I have felt troubled and alone in the decision. I have sought help and guidance, and feel like things still aren't crystal clear. But sometimes we have to make decisions, praying that we are making the right one. Also fall is a time of year, that we begin to prepare for next year. Our leaves fall off. So in this time of year, we should allow the hard things to FALL OFF. Let them go, because holding on to hurt and pain isn't helping us at all. Let us shed off that which is holding us back. May we strengthen our roots, and prepare for the winter.

Football is another great thing about Fall. My kids don't really know the game, but they love to watch football on tv. They love the excitement and the way teams work together. Because as we all know you cannot play a game with just a quarterback, or just 1 defender, We need to join together, share the same focus, work together, and achieve the GOAL!!!!

Another favorite thing about FALL in our house are pumpkins. We aren't real big on scary things, or dark Halloween things. But definitely we love pumpkins, jumping in leaves, drinking warm apple cider, eating lots of apples, picking apples in the few remaining apple orchards here in Utah. Teaching the children about hard work and enjoying the harvest. When we work really really hard, pick all the weeds, water the gardens then in the FALL we reap the reward from the harvest. I find it a relaxing time of year also. I am a fan of warm blankies, sweatshirts, and fuzzy socks.  Take a moment this week to sit and enjoy the fall. Take your children on a nature walk. Collect the leaves and make tracings, and pictures. Warm some apple cider up in your house with a stick of cinnamon in it. The smell is relaxing for your house. Also find  a movie to cuddle up under a blanket with those you love.  Enjoy this time of year, bring renewal to your life, and remember all you have been given.

It is finally FALL/AUTUMN here in Utah. The temperatures are dropping, the rain is arriving, the leaves are turning colors, and football season is here. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. It is a time of year for so many inspiring things. General Conference for the LDS church comes in October. A time for all of us to renew and find ourselves. A time to be inspired by leaders in a time where we often feel like the world is falling apart. We seek guidance and inspiration. We seek strength and answers to prayers, This fall is different for me. I am about to make a very life alternating decision, and I have felt troubled and alone in the decision. I have sought help and guidance, and feel like things still aren't crystal clear. But sometimes we have to make decisions, praying that we are making the right one. Also fall is a time of year, that we begin to prepare for next year. Our leaves fall off. So in this time of year, we should allow the hard things to FALL OFF. Let them go, because holding on to hurt and pain isn't helping us at all. Let us shed off that which is holding us back. May we strengthen our roots, and prepare for the winter.

Football is another great thing about Fall. My kids don't really know the game, but they love to watch football on tv. They love the excitement and the way teams work together. Because as we all know you cannot play a game with just a quarterback, or just 1 defender, We need to join together, share the same focus, work together, and achieve the GOAL!!!!

Another favorite thing about FALL in our house are pumpkins. We aren't real big on scary things, or dark Halloween things. But definitely we love pumpkins, jumping in leaves, drinking warm apple cider, eating lots of apples, picking apples in the few remaining apple orchards here in Utah. Teaching the children about hard work and enjoying the harvest. When we work really really hard, pick all the weeds, water the gardens then in the FALL we reap the reward from the harvest. I find it a relaxing time of year also. I am a fan of warm blankies, sweatshirts, and fuzzy socks.  Take a moment this week to sit and enjoy the fall. Take your children on a nature walk. Collect the leaves and make tracings, and pictures. Warm some apple cider up in your house with a stick of cinnamon in it. The smell is relaxing for your house. Also find  a movie to cuddle up under a blanket with those you love.  Enjoy this time of year, bring renewal to your life, and remember all you have been given.


Nothing better then dancing in the rain. When life has us ruffled and we feel lost or alone. The weather is dreary, just pick yourself up and go out and dance in the rain. Be grateful for God's love, beauty, and newness. 

We have finally seen a change of weather here in Utah. Fall is coming, and with it comes the storms. In our house we aren't afraid of the rain. We listen to the pounding of the rain on the house. We watch the electric show, and listen for the loud boom of thunder. God is renewing.

Rain is falling all around. On the housetop on the ground. Rain is falling on my nose, on my head and hands and toes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 11th

Healing Field in Sandy September 11, 2016

I took the kids to Sandy where they had the healing field. This represented all of the lives that were lost on September 11, 2001. One of 2 days that have changed the history of the United States. The first being the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and this day in New York city when terrorists attacked our awesome country,

On this day 15 years ago, I was a manager at Wendy's restaurant in Utah. We were listening to the radio as we prepared food for the store to open. The announcement came across the radio that America was under attack. I immediately called home, because my Dad was traveling this day and was suppose to be flying out of NY. I was worried that he could be on one of those flights. My mom reassured me that my Dad had missed his flight and had had to call her and told her. I had several friends that day that were not so lucky. I had a friend who worked with the military and was at the Pentagon that day. They did not die, but faced severe burns and months and months of therapy.

After 15 years, this day still brings up pain and anger. But somehow being able to stand there in the middle of the field, watching the flags flap in the wind brought a bit of peace. We cannot change what happened as it is written in the history of our country. We can however remain strong, believe in America, serve and sacrifice to help all those around us. Be grateful for those who do so much so that we can worship how we want. That we are not prisoners here in America.

These families have been changed forever, We must stand as Americans and unite together. Find peace with each other. Remember all those who we lost that day, and also all those whose lives have been lost fighting in war. May God grant each of us forgiveness, peace, comfort, and the knowledge that there is a better place.

As Americans may we stand together. Not fight over stupid crap. Remember what is important and love beyond measure.

Fall and Beauty of the Earth

Beautiful mountains of Utah

Fall has arrived in Utah

When looking for a moment of silence, what better place then to go to the mountains. Fall has arrived in Utah. The beautiful colors of the leaves, the chill in the air, and so many places to adventure to before the snow falls. As I was walking along the path on Saturday my kids wanted to stop and pick up every leaf, every stick, find every bug, and of course just be kids. We were in such an amazing place that it felt like the world stopped. It was just us on the trail. No phone calls, no tv, no tablets, no tv just us and nature. I love how you can see all the beauty in these photos.
As the warm sun came thru the trees, it seemed as if the path was being made for us. You could hear the birds chirping, and feel the gentle breeze. Just another reassurance that God is great. He created this beautiful place for all of us to enjoy. To check out from the normal rush of everyday. To reignite our souls, a place for forgiveness, a place of calm, a place to remember who we are, and to find the strength to continue. Tale a moment and explore an area around you. You can find such peace and power in the bounty and beauty of the earth.